Cleaning, Decorations, Music & Dance

Checklist HOME

  • Clean the House - Hire cleaning service.  Cleaning Companies will provide cleaning and tidy-up services on contract by Hours or by Daily/Monthly charge.  Find a Company in your locality in the telephone directory or through internet search and inquire on the rates and type of service required.   Cleaning companies have employees who will report to the residence for the work and charge accordingly.  Note:  The individual is a hired contract labour employee of the Company with full rights within the Labour Law of the Jurisdiction.
  • Hold one room as locked for gifts and shopping.  Hire locksmith to install new lock.
  • Pay for Invitations and mail them.
  • Buy the Main Event Dresses and Suits for Trails and Adjustments.
  • Finalize the list for shopping and email to for initial quotation or invoice with Terms & Conditions.
  • Alternative, start your shopping in Batches for pay for each batch in a single payment.
  • Book the venue with Deposit for Date & Time.







Checklist VENUE

  • Request Menu Listing and consider on-site chef or pre-prepared catering.
  • Finalize the menu with payment terms and conditions.  Book the Menu.
  • Music & Dance:  Consider the type of music and dance.
  • Put in the Event Bank Account the cost as per Booking.  Book the Budget to tally.


Event activities have been scheduled and your family should prepare a Day Timer for the proceedings.

  1. Book the photographer & videographer
  2. Book the Officiating Marriage Priest for Date & Time appointment.
  3. Book the Music RJ and VJ
  4. Book the Ride from Home to Venue for Groom and Guests and Family
  5. Book the Ride from Venue to Airport or Hotel or Entertainment or Reception or Home or Hire a Limo Taxi service.
  6. Book the Decorations.


Depending on the cultural and community or legal requirements, the marriage ceremony has to be consummated and witnessed.  The term is "Officiant" of a marriage event.  The Officiant has to be requested to finalize the marital vows and legal bindings.  

Other considerations:

Honorarium Fees to Priest(s) & Officiant(s); Legal Marriage Licence & Registration Fees; Provision of Special Decor for the Service may require permissions from the Venue Administrator.

Where to Locate:  Visit and Inquire: 1. Place of Worship; 2. Notary Public or Lawyer; 3.  Marriage Commissioner's Office;  4.  Local Directory;  5. City Hall for Registrar or Registration of Marriage.